Present Proof

Time to take the brand boat to shore for a moment of some well-deserved respite. Away from the choppy currents of the social media sea, and an opportunity to reflect upon the pursuits of how best to be, when presenting ourselves on line - to remain aligned, within the wider PR, picture.

Space to re-anchor as it were.

Regulating and cutting through the overwhelm to get to, the ‘what does what’*, the why and how to organically attract the right kind of attention, in the right way feels more integral than ever.  Which is why it is fundamental to know when to ground so that we can reconnect with the heart and soul of what it is we are wanting to say.

In true sailor spirit –this is an invitation to look at this together, to generate and feed ‘greater ideas’*, so that we can progress, consciously - confident in our narratives and where we want to speak them from.


*Acknowledgments : Evan Root, Peter Penny.




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